Why Craniosacral Therapy?


Individual Therapy

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Group Therapy

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Private Therapy

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Numbers Speak

Cool Number
Happy Client
Programs & Training's

What Clients Are Saying

"Cranio helped me during my studies, I suffered from anxiety and had a problem with clenching my jaw. After a few sessions my mood, my emotions and body had such a change, it’s really hard to put it into words."

Carla Jenkins

"I love having Cranio sessions with Pam as I feel a lot less anxiety and stress about school and I’m able to sleep better with no bad dreams"

Derryn Gietzman

"A session with Pam, receiving Cranio really calms my whole system, I feel like I have had a whole nights sleep for just 45 minutes. I feel at peace and my mind is still. It is a real treat for both my daughter and I"

Carey Fisher

"Cranio is definitely what worked for my anxiety. I am a natural health nutritionist as didn’t want to take medication for it. Cranio not only made me feel better, it now helps me keep balanced. It’s a leveler and I feel so good for weeks after. I can highly recommend it for anyone."

Janine Louw (natural health nutritionist)"