The Philosophy Behind The Practice

Craniosacral Therapy has its roots in osteopathy and supports the body’s natural healing process to find its way back to its natural state of balance. The Craniosacral system is made up of the bones of the cranium and spine, the brain and the spinal cord, their surrounding fluids and membranes, and the nerves that emanate therefrom.
The philosophy behind this practice is that there are subtle and tiny rhythmic movements of the cranial bones, sacrum and other tissues and fluids, membranes, cerebrospinal fluid and the overall nervous system. These seemingly unfelt, rhythmic and involuntary movements are essential for health. The aim of the therapist is to promote their natural motion by accessing deep stillness.
What to expect in a session:
Craniosacral Therapy is a form of light-touch body work that enhances your body’s natural healing processes. The work is deeply moving.
Sessions are generally 60 minutes. In a typical Craniosacral session, you will usually lie (or sometimes sit) fully-clothed on a treatment bed. The therapist will make contact by placing their hands lightly on your body.
The first thing you will probably notice is a sense of deep relaxation, which will generally last throughout the session. This release of tension often extends into everyday life.
To fully benefit from Craniosacral therapy, you may need more than one or two sessions. You and your practitioner will decide on how many sessions will be best for you. Some people respond well after 5 – 7 sessions, others find that Craniosacral Therapy becomes an on-going valuable resource that supports both their health and well-being.