
Any physical or emotional stress or trauma we experience may be held within the body. Unless this is released the tension may restrict the body’s functioning and give rise to problems over time. These problems could be physical (such as digestive issues, neck pain, migraines, headaches, hormonal imbalances) or emotional (anxiety, sleeping disorders, overwhelm, depression).
Craniosacral Therapists are trained to sense where stress and tension may be stored in the body and gently provide an opportunity for the body to release the patterning and return to an easier way of functioning.
Some of the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy may include an overall sense of energy, vitality and connection to self.
It is also beneficial after accidents and operations, falls or trauma as well as acutely painful conditions. By working with the central nervous system, it is highly beneficial for anxiety, sleeplessness, ADHD, overwhelm, depression, auto-immune disorders, fatigue and shock. By orienting to the body’s innate intelligence and ability to self heal, Craniosacral Therapy may aid people with any condition and is welcome at any time.